Thursday, December 02, 2004

College and such....

I do believe I've never been more prouder (yes thats a word) of my sweet Heather. All growed up and I can't stand it- I mean yesterday the girl broke out the butt dance in the hallway, and now she's going to college? But this isnt even college... this is New York city- this is a city that makes or breaks you, and heather, you better make it darlin, and make it big. Some day I will come up to see you on your very own rock star stage and of course bringing with me: Jude Law, Mr. Martin and Mr. Stevens and we will all be jaw dropped and amazed and we will all marry you right then and there! You go girl, I'm so proud of you!!

So, today was uneventful as usual but I am quite pleased with my recent realization of a certain boy that I FINALLY realize I need NOTHING to do with! He didnt make me unhappy but he didnt make me happy- so why bother? I have so moved on and I figured out why had gone back to him in the first place (OK this epiphanic---thats an adjective for epiphany in case you were wondering) moment is so amazing- ok here goes: I don't love him anymore, but that doesnt mean it doesnt hurt. Thats it, thats all there is to it- thats why i needed to go back one more time. I needed to comfort myself. Well consider me down conforted with duck feathers and a fleece lining because I have been comforted and now I am moving on! So go me. I am not seeking out any kind of boyfriend but if one should happen to enter into the picture....I might be open to it. Ok so friends, crushes, boys, in general why must we be so dramatic? I like being friends and I think flirting is fun, but thats all I want-at least thats what I think I want- I want to get to know you as a friends with no pressuring of anything else.
But friends are the best- really, I mean who won't agree with me on that? I love my girlfriends (granted, all we ever talk about are boys and college and gossip) and I love my guy friends (they are always always there to give you a compliment that just brightens your day, no matter what- those boys (my boys at least) would be there if i ever needed anything, ever! And I cant be more grateful for them- so thank you boys.

And Beers- tell your strawberry milkshake I said hello
Heather: You're a sexpot and you're in college
Annie: Tell Tkac to shove it
Maggie: we should offroad in Chestnut Hill more often
Mike: i will never forget the 4 kinds of pretty- it rocks my world
Tilly: without fail you are the coolest one around and you better stay the way you are forever and ever because you make me smile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay I'm the first commenter on your blog!
woo hoo
Yes, go off-roading in Chestnuthill!

December 2, 2004 at 5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn straight Tkac can shove it kels.
btw. You're awesome ice cream buddy

December 2, 2004 at 5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pretty - one of four types of attractiveness. a few skilled people ;) are able to combine all four at will, and man does it work. (dreamily) oh, to rock your world.

December 2, 2004 at 5:59 PM  

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