Monday, December 13, 2004


My best friend in the whole wide world. The one who I come home to and she just looks at me with those big brown eyes and I know she has been waiting for me all day just for me to smile and love her. She's going to be 15 in August but I don't she will be seeing that birthday. My Minnie dog hasn't touched her food in three days. I've tried everything, canned dog food, scrambled eggs, cereal, cheese, anything. She just isn't hungry. She drinks a lot of water but I know that is because her arthritis medicine is taking a toll on her kidneys- but it's not like she going to stop taking the medcine that keeps her from hurting! The goal is to keep her happy and out of pain and enjoying her last few months? weeks? days? I don't know how long. But I wish a friendship didn't have to end. The end of an era- so it sounds stupid, a girl and her dog, but I don't care she's been there through everything. I remember when we moved to my new house- I was 4 she was 1- then I went to kindergarten and she was 5 then I graduated and came to SS and went through a rough adjustment period- but she was there! I remember watching her bound through the snow in the front yard and having to pull the snowballs out of her hair when we came inside and sat by the fireplace to warm up. But now, I'm going to college and having to leave her but she may leave me first. I don't know how Im going to deal with it- but I know she'll be out of pain but still in my heart.


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