Wednesday, August 31, 2005

He will be George and he will be mine

First day of classes! And it's harder to find the classes than it is to pass them. DC is so big and the buildings all look the same...kinda. But I made it through. Had Italian at 8AM, bad decision. Of course I wanted to make a good impression so i wore my sparkle's the killer by the time I walked back to my dorm my feet were bleeding in pain- literally. I ran out of bandaids. Kickboxing is awesome but terrifying. My trainer holds two world champion titles in martial arts- yea I won't be able to walk tomorrow Ill be so sore. She said if we attended the class twice a week and ate a somewhat healthy diet we'll drop 5 pounds by christmas- be afraid be very afraid. Lastly, math- The Shape of Space. My teacher has a very heavy Chinese accent but I think it could be cool. I'm exhasuted. But I love it. It's very cool and tonight we're going on a target run to buy some essentials for the dorm, hopefully I'll be able to bring home a goldfish too (Petco right across the street) And I will name him George. I miss you Sar!

Monday, August 29, 2005


Hellooooo! I'm in college! I'm not going to lie- I was a basketcase the last two days. So I'd like to thank this time to thank Mom, Dad, and Sara for sticking with me on was hard but with the encouragement and the slapping around I know I'm going to make it through. The mornings are the hardest because you wake up and you think "I'm not going home today." I'm not going to drive with Sara to school and my mom's not in the kitchen when I come downstairs and my dad isn't there to wake me up in the morning- but you know, once I get up eat, and get my day started it's really okay. It's not fabulous yet, but I'm getting better- I promise you mom I am. Wednesday starts classes, which is cool and Saturday is the Phillies vs the Nationals!! Frisbee at midnight in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Pizza in the dorm and the MTV VMA's with the girls, a Hookah bar?? Cant even spell it. anyway, I'm in the historic Watergate room where the burgalars spied into the watergate building! I love my dorm its huge, its carpeted and MY bathroom has marble floors.yeah. Please say hi and let me know what you want to know about G-DUB!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Dead Popes and a Few Moose

Rome, New Hampshire, college. All in one month- how bout that? Italy, was as expected absolutley perfectly fabulous. My mom and I had the best time we could have had. We shopped, we walked, we tried to speak Italian, we drank from the public water spouts, we saw lots of dead popes, and we walked...a lot. It was so amazing. There was so much history and so much to take in 5 days. You name it we saw it: The Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Patheon, Vatican, about 600 amazing churches, an opera, the Forum, the subway, the zoo, the Borghese Museum, the wedding cake, and nightlife in the Piazzas like you wouldn't believe! Everyone was so nice and helpful and the food was so good! Pizza and pasta for five days straight- love it. I couldn't have asked for a better trip with my mom. Thanks mom.
As for New Hampshire, it was the same, but still wonderful. It's so peaceful and calm and just relaxing. People always ask me "what's in New Hampshire?" A whole lotta nothing, and a couple moose. But that's the best part! The town of Wolfeboro has two blinking traffic lights and a paper store that we go in at least once a day. We sit on the docks and eat our ice cream every night and tan and read and swim (when i can't see any fish in the lake) It's such a great time to - oh, bond is such a cheesy word but it's true. Sara and I shared bunk beds even though there were three other beds to choose from in the house. We just enjoy one another's company. Mom and Dad, what can you say? They're awesome. It's basically the ideal, disgustinlgy perfect but exactly what everybody wanted Heinze vacation.
And finally, college. Saturday is the big day kids. Getting excited....honestly I kinda am.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Fabulouso..Italian for Fabulous (duh)

Italy tommorrow. Who would have ever thought those words would come out of my mouth? Certainly not me! Well the flight leaves at 6 pm and we arrive ini Rome at 9 am. Fabulous huh? See you in a week!