Saturday, September 03, 2005

Dearest Abe

Dear Abe, you are the coolest. I can't think of anywhere else I would rather read my USA Today than on your steps. I wandered down from my dorm and found your memorial all by myself. I plopped myself down and hung out with you and your Reflecting Pool goodness. I have to tell you Abe that I have never felt so inspired, so American, so proud to just be in Washington right at that moment. After I left you Abe I had a great night. The girls and I took the Metro to Dupont Circle and had an awesome evening of roasting marshmallows at Cosi, when we got back to the dorm it was around 12:30, apparently no one goes to bed at midnight on a Friday night at college. What do they do? They find a gorilla suit and run around pounding on doors and terrifying the living daylights out of them. No joke. Around 2 people started to file into their rooms, but if you're popular (not) like me and my roomate the party comes to you. And by party I mean Anne, Tanner, Tavish, and Andy watching Iron Chef in bed with us until 4. Yes what I night Abe, what a fabulous night.


Blogger hannah said...

holy crap kels, you stayed up that late?!

September 3, 2005 at 7:02 PM  
Blogger Lina said...

i was about to say that too until i realized that she stayed up late at the sleepover at heathers. so. . . yea . . . ROCK ON KELS! U GO GIRL!

September 4, 2005 at 6:16 AM  

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