Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hail to the Buff, Hail to the Blue

This place is fabulous. Classes are great, well so far so good at least. I could do a cartwheel in my room because it's so big, and the people I've met are awesome. Some highlights?! Every night Tavish comes in to say goodnight to Z and I, but it sometimes it turns into 1:30 am conversations about the meaning of religion. Italian every morning at 8 am, and a tecaher that talks faster than the road runner. Kickboxing is kicking my ass into shape, thank god I took that class or I'd be a lazy butt. Deer Park man comes every week to give us jugs of water that we have to get the boys to lift. I'm actually reading the Washington Post. I saw Judge Rehnquist at the Supreme Court laying in state. I miss Sara terribly, but I know she's rocking out in her hospital bed...thanks Swads. And generally this place rocks.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Pitas and Football

I had a bad day coming, I mean I've had almost three weeks of awesomeness. Yesterday was a bummer but ended up being good- as usual. Yesterday I got the dreaded email that I didn't get into the GW Vibes. Major bummer. I thought I had a fabulous audition, really I did- but there were over 70 people trying out and 4 spots to fill- with upperclassmen priority. Maybe next year right? Then I went to Physics and realized that we had homework due that I had no idea about and he doesnt except late homework..oh and the test we had last night was based on the homework. Awesome. Then I went to pick up my Philosophy book which the bookstore was out of until next week. But to end the day on a good note, I went out to the Pita Pit for dinner with the girls and then watched football with dave and shawn until 12. Go Patriots! Today is a quiet day, only two classes but tonight I have my first riding lesson. I really love it here, I have friends, I can find my way around campus and classes are tough but not impossile. This could work Abe, it really could be fabulous.
Oh, and Sara- not to worry I can't wait to see you in all your beastly pads at Homecoming, you go girl.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Some chaps and Room Keys

Well hello Abe,
Whats that? You want to know what GWers do on the 7th floor in a Sunday night? Well I'll tell you. They bake cookies in the kitchen, invite their floormates to watch the Notebook (yes boys too) and then they cry at the end. Then they get bored from being depressed and they remember that Kelsey brough her chaps with her. So, Tavish puts them on and he finds Chaz to put on the guerilla suit and then he jumps on Chaz. They ride the elevator down the lobby and gallop around in front of the security cameras that we can watch in our dorm on Channel 94. then they run back upstairs when they see University Police coming. Fabulous.
Tonight I'm going with Anne to pay my respects to Chief Justice Rehnquist. I don't know a lot about the man, but I'm in DC and I feel like if its only five Metro stops away there's not a reason in the world I shouldn't go.
Today I lost my room key. Major bummer. They should really use real keys instead of the little hotel card keys. Yea so that was a big ol pain especially enlisting the boys across the hall to help turn my room upside down to find it. No luck. But to thank them I made all three of them pb&j sandwhiches.
For everyone at home I hope your first day of school was positively fabulous. Go lions! And Hippos!!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Dearest Abe

Dear Abe, you are the coolest. I can't think of anywhere else I would rather read my USA Today than on your steps. I wandered down from my dorm and found your memorial all by myself. I plopped myself down and hung out with you and your Reflecting Pool goodness. I have to tell you Abe that I have never felt so inspired, so American, so proud to just be in Washington right at that moment. After I left you Abe I had a great night. The girls and I took the Metro to Dupont Circle and had an awesome evening of roasting marshmallows at Cosi, when we got back to the dorm it was around 12:30, apparently no one goes to bed at midnight on a Friday night at college. What do they do? They find a gorilla suit and run around pounding on doors and terrifying the living daylights out of them. No joke. Around 2 people started to file into their rooms, but if you're popular (not) like me and my roomate the party comes to you. And by party I mean Anne, Tanner, Tavish, and Andy watching Iron Chef in bed with us until 4. Yes what I night Abe, what a fabulous night.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

He will be George and he will be mine

First day of classes! And it's harder to find the classes than it is to pass them. DC is so big and the buildings all look the same...kinda. But I made it through. Had Italian at 8AM, bad decision. Of course I wanted to make a good impression so i wore my sparkle's the killer by the time I walked back to my dorm my feet were bleeding in pain- literally. I ran out of bandaids. Kickboxing is awesome but terrifying. My trainer holds two world champion titles in martial arts- yea I won't be able to walk tomorrow Ill be so sore. She said if we attended the class twice a week and ate a somewhat healthy diet we'll drop 5 pounds by christmas- be afraid be very afraid. Lastly, math- The Shape of Space. My teacher has a very heavy Chinese accent but I think it could be cool. I'm exhasuted. But I love it. It's very cool and tonight we're going on a target run to buy some essentials for the dorm, hopefully I'll be able to bring home a goldfish too (Petco right across the street) And I will name him George. I miss you Sar!

Monday, August 29, 2005


Hellooooo! I'm in college! I'm not going to lie- I was a basketcase the last two days. So I'd like to thank this time to thank Mom, Dad, and Sara for sticking with me on was hard but with the encouragement and the slapping around I know I'm going to make it through. The mornings are the hardest because you wake up and you think "I'm not going home today." I'm not going to drive with Sara to school and my mom's not in the kitchen when I come downstairs and my dad isn't there to wake me up in the morning- but you know, once I get up eat, and get my day started it's really okay. It's not fabulous yet, but I'm getting better- I promise you mom I am. Wednesday starts classes, which is cool and Saturday is the Phillies vs the Nationals!! Frisbee at midnight in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Pizza in the dorm and the MTV VMA's with the girls, a Hookah bar?? Cant even spell it. anyway, I'm in the historic Watergate room where the burgalars spied into the watergate building! I love my dorm its huge, its carpeted and MY bathroom has marble floors.yeah. Please say hi and let me know what you want to know about G-DUB!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Dead Popes and a Few Moose

Rome, New Hampshire, college. All in one month- how bout that? Italy, was as expected absolutley perfectly fabulous. My mom and I had the best time we could have had. We shopped, we walked, we tried to speak Italian, we drank from the public water spouts, we saw lots of dead popes, and we walked...a lot. It was so amazing. There was so much history and so much to take in 5 days. You name it we saw it: The Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Patheon, Vatican, about 600 amazing churches, an opera, the Forum, the subway, the zoo, the Borghese Museum, the wedding cake, and nightlife in the Piazzas like you wouldn't believe! Everyone was so nice and helpful and the food was so good! Pizza and pasta for five days straight- love it. I couldn't have asked for a better trip with my mom. Thanks mom.
As for New Hampshire, it was the same, but still wonderful. It's so peaceful and calm and just relaxing. People always ask me "what's in New Hampshire?" A whole lotta nothing, and a couple moose. But that's the best part! The town of Wolfeboro has two blinking traffic lights and a paper store that we go in at least once a day. We sit on the docks and eat our ice cream every night and tan and read and swim (when i can't see any fish in the lake) It's such a great time to - oh, bond is such a cheesy word but it's true. Sara and I shared bunk beds even though there were three other beds to choose from in the house. We just enjoy one another's company. Mom and Dad, what can you say? They're awesome. It's basically the ideal, disgustinlgy perfect but exactly what everybody wanted Heinze vacation.
And finally, college. Saturday is the big day kids. Getting excited....honestly I kinda am.