Saturday, January 22, 2005

How do you say Fail in Latin?

Let's see: to quote the lovely Mr. Stevens "D is for Diploma." Fabulous. To quote my mom "Just keep your head above water Kels, close Vergil and come watch some TV." Thus is my current Latin state of mind. I've given up on memorizing 700 lines of translation, and I am hoping just to write a kick ass essay and have that balance out the fact that I'm not going to study the actual latin stuff. Thats ok right? Well, than I apologize Mr. George Washington, I hope you can forgive me!
So, this week's wrap up...Monday: snowday (fabulous) Tuesday: lunch at the Club with Annie and Mags, and quote of the lunch was "So, we'll just slow dance with our boyfriends and stand against the wall for the rest of the least we're getting action!" Wednesday: surgery...ouch Thursday: CODINE!! Friday: brain frying caused by the last of review days Saturday:SNOW! some studying and some movies and lots of snacks. I think we were successful this week! Now to study, or not so much- Mike in response to your post I would love to study latin with you but if only i could get out of my driveway!
Back to snacking and movies, I just decided it's codine time, which means I now declare studying over for the day!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so for the past 10 minutes, i've been reading this over and over again:
"I love to sing and dance in the car with my dad on the highway i love sara"
...I love sara. You don't know how much that means to me Kels. I mean, everything you do for me. Everywhere you take me, the way we can just rock out and not care who's watching. The way we can sit at home and eat a whole carton of ice cream by ourselves. The way we can be in complete silence and know what each other is thinking...thanks. For everything.
I love you too.

January 22, 2005 at 3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get misty reading Sara's comment. Very sweet. I also could envision her delivering it (this is what drama does to you), and it was moving. Good performance, Sara haha. So yeah about not being able to move from the house....HELP!
Michael of the Beautyman variety

January 22, 2005 at 5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*virtual high five*
that is for us, the two members of the class who did the least studying BY A LONG SHOT and still managed to beast that. hell yes.

monsieur michele

January 25, 2005 at 8:49 PM  

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