Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Happy Girl

Just generally happy right now. Not sure why, not sure how, and not sure when it will end, but I'm just happy with my life. I'm into a great college, I have great friends, I'm getting good grades, and I'm happy being single (at least for the moment) I like being independent, being my own person, being whoever I want to be in that exact moment- without having to worry about calling someone everynight, depending on them- i want to be dependent on myself! Ok, this is starting to sound very "girl power-ish" don't you think? anyway, I'm happy- it's christmas, my favorite time of year and Ive been singing Mariah in the car like its my job. And then its a whole new year a fresh start (last one wasnt so great) this is going to be a great year a fabulous new experience! ok, ok ill stop kinda makes you wanna throw up huh? too bad im loving it!


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