Friday, February 11, 2005

College girl??

Confused. Happy, but confused. Just taking it day by day. We'll have to see what happens- hopefully friends will always stay friends, because what are we without them? Maybe we all just need a break. Not from eachother just from life. It's kinda the same old thing: school, gym, homework, ice cream work, and riding. Get up, work, sleep. I want to rock out. Break up the schedule- be spontaneous, happy go lucky. I'm tired of being "good" or "hanging in there." It's time for something other than grades, or student government, or work, its time for dancing, time for adventure, time to be totally confident with everything you are. Be independent, be proud, be your own person, be fabulous. Its time to think about your dreams and your goals. I'm bored with school, thinking about when itll be 3:30, and a grady paper due the next day. I want to think about college and new experiences there. I hate change, I'm terrified by it- but maybe it's time. It's time to be afraid, and maybe by letting go, you could gain a lot more.


Blogger Lina said...

i SO agree

February 12, 2005 at 9:07 PM  

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