Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Rumble

Well, it was my last full day of high school.
Springside is so great. It's such a safe, comforting, and encouraging environment that we take for granted every day. So, all you underclassmen, remember the hallways and the library thats never quiet, remember the classrooms with the desks that never sit completely square on the linoleum floor, remember the crowded cafeteria and the lack of food there, remember your teachers who have taught you so many lessons in and outside of the classroom and remember your friends because believe it or not they have made you into who you are today.
The last day was pretty lame. I know, major bummer. It started out all teary because all the seniors were being sentimental. Then third period came with a chambers rumble. Not even going to go into it. But our brilliant directcor mr daugherty might be the most ignorant man alive. We're singing Breathe by Michelle Branch, great song, love it, except he slaughtered it. His arrangement reeks it actually makes my ears bleed. So the seniors attempt to offer suggestions which he takes NONE of, and then i go to take my latin final. The rest of the day was nothing too exciting and I didn't even get a card from my student government girls. Shows how much ill be misssed i guess. maybe itll just all go away tomorrow, i hope so because i dont want to leave with such a sour taste in my mouth- sour grapes (gabe)
on the plus side Sara and I are home together all week. There will be a lot of singing and dancing alot of ice cream and a lot of bonding, much needed bonding.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so ready to bond. im so excited. we jus need some good movies and like 4 gallons of ice cream. bring it on!!!!! and if i was on student government (which im not cause im not smart enough) i would have made you a card. but dont worry, they do love you they just dont think too far in advance. and i love you so dont worry! school wont be the same with you ignoring me and throwing me into lockers...i dont know who im going to fight with all day now!!! ill miss you!! love you!

April 28, 2005 at 4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kels i feel really bad now! i'm like the worse Vp ever, i didn't even organize a card.

Don't worry, Stud gov lives on!


April 28, 2005 at 4:43 PM  

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