Monday, April 04, 2005

Lobster With no Gas

What do you call a walking lobster? That would be me. At least that's what I was told today. You would have thought these people have never seen a little sun burn before! I mean honestly, yes I'm red, and yes I'm regretting the lack of lotion thing (happy maggie?), but is the teasing really needed? I'm red. I hurt alot. A lot- lotion and aloe are faulous but it's so cold on my skin! Getting dressed is the worst-it's rubbing a cactus all over you. OK so enough about my pain, heres the best part of my day:
"Sara, I have to stop and get gas do you want to do it?" "YES!"
Who knew that Sara pumping gas was a 15 minute extravganza?? Certainly not me. First of all her hair is blowing all over the place so she can't see the gas cap. Once she makes me get out of the car to undo it because she failed miserably, she starts to wave the speedpass all over the pump. OK at least she got it to light up. She takes the pumper thing and is pressing the handle for a good two minutes when she realizes that nothing is coming out because she didn't flip the lever on the pump. Good lord. So once we're actually pumping the gas she starts to yell at me because she thinks that the gas will overflow out of the car. Yea. Finally, after some issues putting the cap back on the car we were good. 15 minutes. Good lord. Gotta love her.


Anonymous Anonymous said... self esteem just plummeted. I wasn't that bad!! Who knew that it stops on its own!? and by the way...even if you are a red lobster, youre my red lobster. ill beat em up. its all love...teabag!!??? whattt!!???

April 4, 2005 at 6:26 PM  
Blogger Tilly said...

Aww. You're my lobster too! And we'll float around the tank holding claws! You know, the claw thing!? Yeah, you know. With the claws!

My lobster. Yay! =)

April 4, 2005 at 10:00 PM  
Blogger Lina said...

yay for lobsters and well the first time i pumped gas i bathed me, my mom, and the car in gas.

April 5, 2005 at 3:06 PM  

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