Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Fabulous Flu

i dont know if I'd even call it the flu. Yes, I've had a fever. Yes, I feel like death eating a cracker. And yes, I've gone through more tissues than the New Jersey Pinebarrens can keep up with. I fell yucky. But on the up side- All My Children has been fabulous. Not that you'd care but: Bianca is leaving for Paris to head up Cambias Indutries, but what she doesn't know is that her daughter's (Miranda) great uncle is going to overturn his father's will so he can get the fortune. But it's ok because Bianca's ex-lover, Maggie, who decided she was straight is going to Paris with her to keep her company. But bad new on the Ryan front, he's moved out from Greenli, so he can take care of his mentally abused brother Johnathan who is trying to kill Maggie. Anyway, thats only half the story but it was good. The couch has also been good, so has the dog, and Legally Blonde 2, and soup, lots of soup. I think I miss translating Latin the least, but I miss the friends the most. Cheesy I know, but true. But tomorrow I will start my week- it'll be Thursday right?! And it'll be quite the shocker after waking up at 1 this afternoon.


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