Sunday, March 20, 2005

Nasty Sick

So, after a fabulous night with four boys (Tom, Dave, Greg, and Bob) I've learned that everything that is "cool" or "sweet" is "SICK" and if it's really good, then it's "NASTY SICK." Well my Friday night was Nasty Sick. It started out with a lot of firsts: Meeting Skip, learning notes, and picking up Greg. It was Bob, Greg, and I in the car (I was driving) all the way to Penn. Was I terrified driving? Of course. I held my breath. So, we're going to meet Tom and Dave at Penn to eat (quickly) but guess who has to parallel park? And guess who hasn't parallel parked since her driver's test? Yeah. So I put the car in park, throw my door open without looking, and Bob parks the car. Fabulous. So we find Tom and Dave at a cafe a.k.a Subway and grab some food. Then we pile into my car and get lost trying to find the Academy of Music. We pull a Larry on a red light in the middle of an intersection, and after a lot of heavy frustrated groans from Bob, we finally made it. Late, but made it. We run up seven flights of stairs to the ampitheater where if you look're looking straight down. Good lord. So the Ten Tenors were nasty sick. Dude they were totally sick. Ten feminine men in tuxes singing Beach Boys, Beegees and opera. Driving back to Penn, the backseat (Greg, Tom, and Dave) were quoting the Anchorman. But not just lines, everything they saw was the Anchorman. Nasty Sick. Dropped Dave and Tom off, and the three of us drive back to Chestnut Hill where we somehow got on the topic of cheesesteaks just as we were passing Delasandros. I told them I had never been, nor have I had a proper Philly cheesesteak. So what did we do? We had one. At 11pm on a Friday night in our skirts, khakis, and button down shirts we walked into Delasandros and had cheesesteaks. They were to DIE FOR. So sick it's not even funny. Dropped off Greg...then there were two. Bob and I made a list of things that I have to do before I graduate, some of which include: eating pulled pork, surf, bike in the city, and eat fish. So, Friday night: Nasty Sick.


Blogger Lina said...

yea i think im gonna have to second that. . .its NASTY SICK

March 20, 2005 at 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nasty sick amounts of sausage attention. your favorite.

March 21, 2005 at 3:23 PM  

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