Friday, May 20, 2005

Freezing in the Rain

Stotesbury is a good time and a bad time. If it's sunny and warm then it's a great time to enjoy the weather in the city while cheering on our athletic and talented sister. If it's raining, well then it's a good way to freeze your butt off in a tent that has to keep getting emptied or the roof will collapse. It's a a time when you make it to your sister's 8:20 a.m. race to see her qulaify for the next round, while you stand out there with your umbrella and scream at the top of your lungs. And then you wait. You wait because her next race isn't until 3 p.m. but the officals are running an hour behind and they still havnt taken their hour and a half lunch break. Major bummer. Either way- congratz sar you did a fabulous job today and I would stand in any rain storm to see you work so hard at something you love to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww thanks kels! it was pretty cold out there in unisuits in the pouring rain. thanks so much for comin, it ment the world to me that you came to watch and cheer and be freezing and wet for me.
unisuit to wear in the freezing rain: $62.95
sweatpants to wear after the race to keep you warm for semis: $25.00
knowing that your sister is there to cheer you on in the pouring rain and freezing cold with a bunch of clingy touchy-feely parents and skipped work just for you to see one of the biggest races of the season......: absolutely pricesless.

i love you kels. thanks so much for bein there for me!

May 21, 2005 at 7:27 AM  
Blogger Lina said...

that one dedicated butt, i mean sister

May 22, 2005 at 10:29 AM  

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