Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ovaries Anyone??

Today at Senior projects i learned a veyr important lesson: I will never be a surgeon. Ever. This morning I go tmy first glance into the OR and let me tell you, it was bloody, dizzying, and generally queasy. It's not that I can't handle blood, it was that the whole procedure was done with the surgeons looking at a television screen that was connected to a camera that was inside of the mare, who was having both of her ovaries removed. The screen kept moving around, and for someone who didn't make it through "Back to the Future" very well- just add some blood and scissors to that equation and you had me. On the upside I got to wear scrubs! I know, very cool- and i kept my surgical mask and hairnet for posterity. Horses=fabulous. Surgery=not so much


Blogger Heather said...

and i thought being stuck in front of a xerox machine was bad . . .

May 11, 2005 at 2:52 PM  
Blogger Tilly said...

Depends on what your copying =)

May 15, 2005 at 3:32 PM  

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