Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Yeah what now? Beers says I look older, I think I look ready-er. I was terrified, absolutley scared out of my mind that I was going to have no friends, bad classes and be horribly homesick. Well, I went to orientation and I have friends, I have an awesome roomate and as for my classes:
Science-Music and Physics (soundwaves and stuff)
Math- The Shape of Space (measuring how big the universe is)
English/Writing- Food as a Voice ( a writing course about how food is a medium of communication between people
Language- Italian (why not)
Cardio Kickboxing- I needed one more credit- and hello? They drop a phat beat while you kick ass...I'm game!
I'm nervous but I'm excited. Over the weekend I met so many people and did so much. DC is an awesome city. I went to the White House and saw Bush's motorcade and a sniper, I can go trick or treating on Embassy Row, and intern on Captiol Hill. I am so going to be Diane Sawyer. SO now its time to enjoy the rest of summer and scoop a lot of ice cream. Fabulous.

Friday, June 24, 2005

There Should be a roadsign..Welcome to Adulthood...Bummer

Okay I have two things to address. The first is not so deep and the second is a whole lotta mush. So here's the first: Sara and I were walking in Walgreens the other day (don't you love stories that start this way?) and "Now and Forever" comes on in the store...and I'll I can say is COR-BOY!! but in a kind of whiny, whimpering, giggly voice (so say it out loud to yourself like that when you're reading) I miss you corboy and I want to here your chocolatey voice soooo badly!!
Ok now that that's out of the way- can I ask a question that will lead into my second topic? Ok not counting the question I just asked. When did we become adults? I'm leaving for orientation tonight and I feel like a 7 yr old afraid to leave home for a slumber party for fear of homesickness. I find myself staring at the rooms in my house, over petting my dogs, and just trying to absorb every single inch of my childhood as if Im never going to see any of it ever again. I'm so not ready to be an adult, I'm not ready to pick a major or a job or a life, I'm not ready for wild college parties and frat houses. What's wrong with going to an Aaron Carter concert or sitting in your pj's at 7pm and watching some fabulous chick flick with your best friends or your mom and sister? I like my bed, I like my cheerios with sugar on them every morning, and I like going to bed at 10 on the dot no matter what. When did this happen? Major bummer and I'm trying to make it into something fabulous....trying being the key word.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Just a General Yay

Yay for summer. It's kind of bittersweet though. Last summer that you're really at home- because when you come home next summer, it'll be home but it'll be different. Yay for having no schedules except to scoop some ice cream! Love the ice cream. Love the newest employee to the Maggie Moo family...Mr. Beers- yes and all will know when he is out on 309 in the cow suit shakin his thang. Yay for thank you notes. Thank you for a fantabulous graduation. From the parties to the presents (yay for new iPods) it's was amazing. And finally yay for summer flings?! One last chance...might as well jump in- what do you have to lose?

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Fabulous Freshmen

Hello? Is anyone still out there? If so, you have not given up hope on my fabulous blog. I've been without interent service for the past two weeks, and I felt like a was disconnected from the world. It was like living in the stone age, ok maybe not that bad but it was a bummer. SO now, I'm a freshman. Holy cow. Graduation, well, I'm not going to make this some kind of huge reflection and remembering of my life at Springside- instead I'm going to say gradudation was really fun. Terribly nerve racking though. Between my speech and Laureli (AAH! solos!) it was quiet a lot of remembering of words, but from what I'm hearing it all worked out very very well. We all looked beautiful and it didn't rain- thank god. So now, I go to orientation next weekend and I guess that means we're freshmen now. Good lord, fabulous freshmen. Class of 2009.