Friday, June 24, 2005

There Should be a roadsign..Welcome to Adulthood...Bummer

Okay I have two things to address. The first is not so deep and the second is a whole lotta mush. So here's the first: Sara and I were walking in Walgreens the other day (don't you love stories that start this way?) and "Now and Forever" comes on in the store...and I'll I can say is COR-BOY!! but in a kind of whiny, whimpering, giggly voice (so say it out loud to yourself like that when you're reading) I miss you corboy and I want to here your chocolatey voice soooo badly!!
Ok now that that's out of the way- can I ask a question that will lead into my second topic? Ok not counting the question I just asked. When did we become adults? I'm leaving for orientation tonight and I feel like a 7 yr old afraid to leave home for a slumber party for fear of homesickness. I find myself staring at the rooms in my house, over petting my dogs, and just trying to absorb every single inch of my childhood as if Im never going to see any of it ever again. I'm so not ready to be an adult, I'm not ready to pick a major or a job or a life, I'm not ready for wild college parties and frat houses. What's wrong with going to an Aaron Carter concert or sitting in your pj's at 7pm and watching some fabulous chick flick with your best friends or your mom and sister? I like my bed, I like my cheerios with sugar on them every morning, and I like going to bed at 10 on the dot no matter what. When did this happen? Major bummer and I'm trying to make it into something fabulous....trying being the key word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is something amazing! You're going to college! Everything cool and fun happens in college, just look at the movies. I mean Legally Blonde- she meets her husband in college!! You should be so extremely exited to go and let the rest of the world meet Kelsey Meredith Heinze. You're going to absolutely love the freedom and responsibility and independence. You know how to take trains and subways, you can cook, you can keep the house clean, and you can always call home. I'll send you pictures everyday! Get excited!! It's not the end of your childhood at all. Just a transformation. You're still a kid and you'll have so much fun. Don't let that part of you go. Don't worry Kels, we're always here behind you even though you're going to be so great on your own! I love you so much. Don't worry. You're only 3 hours away. Be optomistic. Once you're there, you'll wonder why you were so worried. Good luck this weekend. It'll be great. Send me pictures!! I love you!!

June 24, 2005 at 4:37 PM  
Blogger Lina said...

yea none of this bummer stuff, your gonna have so much fun. going off with amazingly hot men, and kick boxing not to mention shoping in washington DC and well learning of corse. its gonna flipping awesome so dont you worry one bit. though i do understand trying to absorb everything, your always gonna remember that stuff even when ur 92 with a walker and a failing kidney. keep on looking up cause ur gonna rock out in college. hey be happy u at least know where your going to college you can finally forget the future just live in the moment unlike me . . . oh applications

June 24, 2005 at 7:18 PM  
Blogger Ellie said...

I know for a fact (as do the rest of us, I'm sure) that you are so well prepared for college it's not even funny. YOu are gonna go out there and completely rock everyone's world, just like you have here. I second everything everyone has said before me, except what lina said about you being a 92 year old woman with a walker and a failing kidney because I think we all know that when you're 92 you'll still be smokin'. haha i love you kels! I know you'll knock 'em dead!

June 25, 2005 at 7:29 AM  
Blogger hannah said...

dude if I can go into Paris all by myself (did I mention this is a foreign country) and take the train and the subway and be totally independent and have people mistake me for a college student, then there is no doubt in my mind that YOU will thrive in college. I mean seriously, I can't even dress myself. love ya babe, and above all, have fun!!

June 25, 2005 at 9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww kels i miss you too...don't worry i'll make sure i see you at least one more time before you go become an adult so you can hear my chocolatey voice one more time ;). also, you're gonna be amazing in college because your just too lovable not to be the most popular girl at GW. i wish you the best of luck and i'll try my best to sing now and forever to you one more time.

June 25, 2005 at 8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget me. Please.

June 28, 2005 at 7:59 PM  

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