Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Rumble

Well, it was my last full day of high school.
Springside is so great. It's such a safe, comforting, and encouraging environment that we take for granted every day. So, all you underclassmen, remember the hallways and the library thats never quiet, remember the classrooms with the desks that never sit completely square on the linoleum floor, remember the crowded cafeteria and the lack of food there, remember your teachers who have taught you so many lessons in and outside of the classroom and remember your friends because believe it or not they have made you into who you are today.
The last day was pretty lame. I know, major bummer. It started out all teary because all the seniors were being sentimental. Then third period came with a chambers rumble. Not even going to go into it. But our brilliant directcor mr daugherty might be the most ignorant man alive. We're singing Breathe by Michelle Branch, great song, love it, except he slaughtered it. His arrangement reeks it actually makes my ears bleed. So the seniors attempt to offer suggestions which he takes NONE of, and then i go to take my latin final. The rest of the day was nothing too exciting and I didn't even get a card from my student government girls. Shows how much ill be misssed i guess. maybe itll just all go away tomorrow, i hope so because i dont want to leave with such a sour taste in my mouth- sour grapes (gabe)
on the plus side Sara and I are home together all week. There will be a lot of singing and dancing alot of ice cream and a lot of bonding, much needed bonding.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

New Beginnings

I don't know where this road Is going to lead.
All I know is where we've been And what we've been through
If we get to see tomorrow I hope it's worth the wait
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

Lean on me,
When you're not strong
And I'll be your friend.
I'll help you carry on.
For, it won't be long
Till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on.

Graduation, new beginnings, painful's a mellow kinda morning.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Needs: a new dinner topic

"Ok guys, check out my pink metallic heels." Annie
"Guys my math project reminds me of the word blow job." Wyn
"What? I thought you were talking about seeing my butt!" Madeline
"Your butt is a tag Kelsey." Maggie
"I saw a dog get fixed once." Crissy
"And Adam had a rip in his unisuit in a very unfortunate place,his balls were hanging out." Lucy
"Our waiter is hot." Heather

Melting Pot, eight girls, two birhtdays, four plates of food, two stoves, and too many inappropriate conversations! A good time had by all but there are just some words that should not be said at the dinner table, if I may mention a few: vagina, blow job, horny, sex, balls, fuck, and the list goes on. The conversation was to say the least uncomfortable for me because first of all I really am not a fan of any of those words, and second of all- I really don't use or do any of those words, but it kept us entertained. Thank you Mads and Annie for the fabulous meal, it was so yummy and the company was wonderful.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Pretty Much A Lotta Nothin

I feel the need to write. I don't have much of anything to say, but the lack of comments on my prom post bummed me out so I thought I needed to spruce it up a bit. So, let's see. Carolina and I are men. That's a hook if I ever heard one! We sang "Why" today in Chambers while Roland recorded us (why? I have not a clue) and Lina and I dropped down way deep into our manly-selves and pulled out a note thats about four or five dash thingys lower than the staff. Yea thats right what now? Fabulous
What else? ummm, projects? Latin: religion in the Aeneid (oh wes, you're killing me!) Math: Statistics powerpoint (blah) English: MY LIFE aka autobiography due friday. Gov: research paper on India (margo come on, no one actually works in your class just give it up) and Race and Gender: the death project itself: race and gender in reality tv (it doesn't sound bad but its the paper from hell) so yeah, projects woohoo!
Friends, those are always easy to talk about. Let's see...Heather fix your life, our oober long frees are boring when i sit by myself! Maggie I hope your dog feels better and you looked like an Episcopal girl today. Annie I'm crossing my fingers for Holyoke. Madeline good luck with the tattoo, youre braver than a lot of us. Wyn keep smiling. Tilly you're hot. Beers my idol. Gabey P you smell fantastic. Lina my favorite person ever. Ellie and Hannah you're hot. Joe, Greg, Jake, Gabe thanks for keeping me company in the library. Mike you keep me alive in Latin. Steve youre allowed to gossip its ok. And my Sara, gotta love you. Gosh, this could be bad because I know Im forgetting like 1800 people! So there ya have it.
Who knew that talking about nothing could be so long??

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Ron the Man

Ron "the man" was our limo driver. He took us to the top of the Art Museum after prom. When our limo of people was running down the stairs of the Art Museum Maggie's limo was running up. Prom was fabulous. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Senior prom. Tear. But I spent it with my best friends and even my sister got to be there with me. She looked beautiful as did everyone else there. The boys looked so studly in their tuxes and the pictures with my date turned out wonderfully. I got a gorgeous corsage and it matched my dress perfectly. The makeup was a little bit of a disaster at first...went to get it done at Ulta and came out looking like batman, but v-ron and i fixed it. The prom was amazing. The Seaport Museum was beautiful and a perfect size. Dinner was not so great but we had good company. the dancing was incredible as expected. Just incredible dancing. Then to the art museum then to gabey p's. Just being able to be with all of your friends in one house; who could ask for more?

Monday, April 11, 2005

Real Class? I think not!

I'm very sorry for the depressing/boring/major downer of a blog entry; it won't happen again. So at this point I have three weeks of school left. SO, let's see what we've got going on:
English-autobiography (almost done)
GOV-she doesnt know we have to have a "culminating project" and im not telling her
Race and Gender- project/paper/presentation
Chambers-May concert

So real class? Nah, who does real class? certainly not me! Just kinda sliding through these last few weeks. Student Government is almost officially over for me. It's waterworks worthy, but at the same time: it's time for it to be over. Prom is in five days and counting! woohoo! sara and i tried on our dresses and we look soo pretty!

So generally a happy girl. Got over the lack of lovin thing, and just fabulously content where I am right now. Go me!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

6000 knots

So I usually don't have depressing blog entries right? So I'm allowed one:

When was the last time you were kissed. Not just a sweet kiss on the cheek, but i mean really kissed. Like he grabbed you by them arm and pressed his lips on yours like he had planned to do it all of his life. A kiss that's so passionate so wonderful so absolutely amazing that it leaves you wanting more. You turn into this bottomless pit that just craves more of him.It's the most wonderful pit ever.
You don't care that your disgustingly happy all of the time because you want him and you know that he wants you and you just want to wrap your arms around each other.Its so comfortable and easy and it just fits,
And yet, its one of the most incredible feelings in the world that you just want to scream it out at the top of your lungs but its so much more than words will ever be able to tell.and when you try to explain it you get that feeling in your stomach again. That feeling of 6000 knots in your stomach but they're the most wonderful 6000 knots in the whole world.
Where did that go? When was the last time you got butterflies in your stomach when he walked passed you? When did you plan your schedule around the times you may get a chance to get a glimpse of him in the hallway going to class? I havnt had that in such a long long time. Where did it go? Where do you find it? When is it coming back?
Sorry to be depressing and dull and to bring you down but sometimes you just gotta get it our there.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Lobster With no Gas

What do you call a walking lobster? That would be me. At least that's what I was told today. You would have thought these people have never seen a little sun burn before! I mean honestly, yes I'm red, and yes I'm regretting the lack of lotion thing (happy maggie?), but is the teasing really needed? I'm red. I hurt alot. A lot- lotion and aloe are faulous but it's so cold on my skin! Getting dressed is the worst-it's rubbing a cactus all over you. OK so enough about my pain, heres the best part of my day:
"Sara, I have to stop and get gas do you want to do it?" "YES!"
Who knew that Sara pumping gas was a 15 minute extravganza?? Certainly not me. First of all her hair is blowing all over the place so she can't see the gas cap. Once she makes me get out of the car to undo it because she failed miserably, she starts to wave the speedpass all over the pump. OK at least she got it to light up. She takes the pumper thing and is pressing the handle for a good two minutes when she realizes that nothing is coming out because she didn't flip the lever on the pump. Good lord. So once we're actually pumping the gas she starts to yell at me because she thinks that the gas will overflow out of the car. Yea. Finally, after some issues putting the cap back on the car we were good. 15 minutes. Good lord. Gotta love her.