Thursday, May 26, 2005

Idol, Planes, and Barf

So, I got the flu. Major bummer. Havn't been to projects in two days, but here's the good and the bad of what it's been like being a couch potato:
Day One...
Good: Topanga and Cory go to Disney World. Aunt Becky has the twins on Full House. I didn't eat anything except for four Ritz crackers. Bed at 7:45.
Bad: Threw up three times in two hours. Had the worst back ache of my life from laying down all day. Stomach pains like it was my job. Missed American Idol finale (i know, i don't wanna talk about it)

Day Two...
Good: Slept for 15 hours the night before. All My Children two days in a row (does it get any better??) Chicken noodle soup!!! I decided I want to meet Mr. Campbell soup- I mean he's made so many good soups and there all like a meal in a can its brilliant!
Bad: The Willow Grove Air Force Base is having it's annual air show on Saturday, no one warned me they would be practicing all day. For God's sake I thought there was a plane coming through the house! Scared the crap out of me!
So, this has been my life for the past two days- it's been fun (minus the sick part) realxing and a lot of sleeping, but now it's time to put some real clothes on and eat some solid food. Feeling better but still exhausted. But go team because I'm on my way to fabulous.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Freezing in the Rain

Stotesbury is a good time and a bad time. If it's sunny and warm then it's a great time to enjoy the weather in the city while cheering on our athletic and talented sister. If it's raining, well then it's a good way to freeze your butt off in a tent that has to keep getting emptied or the roof will collapse. It's a a time when you make it to your sister's 8:20 a.m. race to see her qulaify for the next round, while you stand out there with your umbrella and scream at the top of your lungs. And then you wait. You wait because her next race isn't until 3 p.m. but the officals are running an hour behind and they still havnt taken their hour and a half lunch break. Major bummer. Either way- congratz sar you did a fabulous job today and I would stand in any rain storm to see you work so hard at something you love to do.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Turnpike Troubles

It should really be illegal to close the Turnpike. I mean, it's not going to anyone any good to just shut it down during Monday morning rush hour. It took me two hours and thirty-five minutes to get to work today. So un-fabulous, it's not even funny. On the upside, Sara burned me the Jesse McCartney CD so I was jamming like it was my job in the car today. Thanks, bean.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ovaries Anyone??

Today at Senior projects i learned a veyr important lesson: I will never be a surgeon. Ever. This morning I go tmy first glance into the OR and let me tell you, it was bloody, dizzying, and generally queasy. It's not that I can't handle blood, it was that the whole procedure was done with the surgeons looking at a television screen that was connected to a camera that was inside of the mare, who was having both of her ovaries removed. The screen kept moving around, and for someone who didn't make it through "Back to the Future" very well- just add some blood and scissors to that equation and you had me. On the upside I got to wear scrubs! I know, very cool- and i kept my surgical mask and hairnet for posterity. Horses=fabulous. Surgery=not so much

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Beat Boxing=muscular lips

The night started with: "Tillman these directions suck....Fine Jeff if you want to read it, you do it." and the night ended with "Sorry I accidentally just put my hand in your pants." In between was Rockapella. Fabulous. Just amazing. Sorry ten tenors but ya got nothing on these five guys who have great hair and aren't afraid of tight pants. The best part about Rockapella was that they sound exactly the same on their cd as they do on stage- they were perfect. They sang everything from Carmen Sandiego to Stand By Me to Rock the Boat to Here Comes the Sun. Aside from my jealousy towards the girls who got to go on stage during "My Girl" I loved every single second of it. And we saw two shows. The first one was sooo good, and then we got tickets to the second show that was an hour later for free! And it was a whole different set! I got to spend this awesome concert with some of my closest friends- perfect! So, thank you tilly for the best birthday present- i loved it!!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


So I left two hours to get myself to New Bolton Center, which is University of Pennsylvania's vertrainary clinic. Plenty of time especially when Mapquest says 1 hour 8 minutes. Dropped Sara off at school, ate my cereal bar, and headed on the Turnpike, then to the Noretheast Extension, to 476, to the never-ending Blatimore Pike, and then with 6 miles to go I get off one exit too early. No problem, I'll just turn around. I wish. In Kennett Square, roads go on for miles without so much as a traffic light let alone a gas station to pull into for directions. Finally, there is an Eckerd, I get directions and then head on my way again. I drive for 30 minutes when I start to cry. I find a nature center (thats how desolate a place it is out here) and I asked them to Mapquest me so I could get to my senior project (late). So, I'm typing in the address and I type PA and she says "Oh no, honey, you're in Delaware." What? Where was I when that happened?? So I got back in the car and head on my way again and start to sob. But I got there. Mapquest: 1 hour 8 minutes Me: 2 hours 11 minutes. So project itself was awesome, i gave a nerve block (a.k.a needle and novacain) I leanred a lot and I got to be around my favorite type of beings: horses. It's kinda like the show "House" but with horses. So on my way home. I figured I would just read my directions to New Bolton backwards. Bad bad bad idea. See the problem is my parents are in Florida so they are in no way helping me while I'm driving down Route 82 North having gotten directions from a janitor's closet in a some middle school in glitzenberg borough. Yea. It's the kind of exasperated crying that you're not afraid you're just so incredibly frustrated and upset that inbetween your wails you cough really hard and you feel like you're going to throw up. I know, I'm a baby, but, I made it from route 82 to route 30 east to route 113 north to route 100 to the turnpike and after spending $8 in toll tickets and speeding down the turnpike at 85 mph, I made it to the King of Prussia Mall. I have never been so happy to see the mall in my entire life. and i wasnt even going shopping. i knew where i was and i couldnt have been more extatic. I made it home. Mapquest 1 hour 8 minutes Me: 2 hours 17 minutes. Fabulous.