Monday, March 28, 2005

Hey Y'all

Sounds good doesn't it? I have to start practicing for Friday morning. Howdy Texas! Yes yes I'll be at The Gaylord Texan. Now make fun of the name all you want, but Mr. Gaylord is one of the richest men in the world and he wants me to come to his resort for two days so I can experience his best facialist and massuse and let my bathing suit see the light of day, which it hasn't in a while. So until then- I'll write a chapter of my autobiography, I'll rewrite my graduation speech, I'll scoop a lot of ice cream, and I'll cardio kickbox like it's my job. Call me a dork, well I guess you already think that since I told you I dance to Lizzie McGuire in my room- but it's cool. It's fabulous.

Saturday, March 26, 2005


What do you do when Gloria comes onto your radio and she's belting out the "Conga?" I'll tell you what you do. If you happen to be in a dark parking lot of the Plymouth Meeting Mall and it's 10:15pm on Saturday night and Mike Beautyman happens to be there; you get out of your car (well put it in park first) (oh and turn the volume all the way up and roll the windows down) and you salsa with mike beautyman in the parking lot. You know those few times when you're just purely enjoying yourself. Just completely satisfied with whatever you're doing right at that one second?
You should try it- salsa dancing in a dark parking with the "Conga" and Mike. Fabulous.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

"Spring Break"

Is it really "spring break" if today was the coldest day of the week? Honestly I could've worn a parka outside! So, alot of people have fled to warmer or colder places, and I wish them well. A bunch of us are stuck at home for some amount of time during this break, so what did i do to kick it off? No I didn't go clubing, or even out for that matter. I put the pjs on and danced to the Lizzie McGuire soundtrack in my room. I rocked out in my Cracker Jack pajamas with Lizzie on Volume 23 and no one to criticize my slick moves except my mirror, who by the way told me i looked fabulously hot.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Nasty Sick

So, after a fabulous night with four boys (Tom, Dave, Greg, and Bob) I've learned that everything that is "cool" or "sweet" is "SICK" and if it's really good, then it's "NASTY SICK." Well my Friday night was Nasty Sick. It started out with a lot of firsts: Meeting Skip, learning notes, and picking up Greg. It was Bob, Greg, and I in the car (I was driving) all the way to Penn. Was I terrified driving? Of course. I held my breath. So, we're going to meet Tom and Dave at Penn to eat (quickly) but guess who has to parallel park? And guess who hasn't parallel parked since her driver's test? Yeah. So I put the car in park, throw my door open without looking, and Bob parks the car. Fabulous. So we find Tom and Dave at a cafe a.k.a Subway and grab some food. Then we pile into my car and get lost trying to find the Academy of Music. We pull a Larry on a red light in the middle of an intersection, and after a lot of heavy frustrated groans from Bob, we finally made it. Late, but made it. We run up seven flights of stairs to the ampitheater where if you look're looking straight down. Good lord. So the Ten Tenors were nasty sick. Dude they were totally sick. Ten feminine men in tuxes singing Beach Boys, Beegees and opera. Driving back to Penn, the backseat (Greg, Tom, and Dave) were quoting the Anchorman. But not just lines, everything they saw was the Anchorman. Nasty Sick. Dropped Dave and Tom off, and the three of us drive back to Chestnut Hill where we somehow got on the topic of cheesesteaks just as we were passing Delasandros. I told them I had never been, nor have I had a proper Philly cheesesteak. So what did we do? We had one. At 11pm on a Friday night in our skirts, khakis, and button down shirts we walked into Delasandros and had cheesesteaks. They were to DIE FOR. So sick it's not even funny. Dropped off Greg...then there were two. Bob and I made a list of things that I have to do before I graduate, some of which include: eating pulled pork, surf, bike in the city, and eat fish. So, Friday night: Nasty Sick.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Homework Hell

Anyone else have a rediculous amount of homework this week and next week? Good lord! I understand that ever teacher wants to get in one more graded item before break, but come on, this is crazy. Myabe if they would have planned a little better we wouldn't be having this problem. Or maybe all of the tecahers gather together after school and plan humungous loads of homework together just to see us suffer. Either way I think my worst project is by far my Gov project: Create the perfect society. Write a preamble and a constitution to your perfect society. Who does that? I mean honestly I'll just pull that out of my back pocket over the weekend! My goodness. Ok but the best part of the weekend that I have to look forward to is obvisouly the Ten Tenors. Fabulous. I know you're all terribly jealous, it's ok I'l tell you all about it. That is, if I can figure out how to drive in the city. Let's just say if I'm not in on Monday, it;s because my car is attached to the back of a SEPTA bus. Bummer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Oh Roland

Who hates juries? No, not just a little- I mean who just can't stand the fact that we won in Flordia two weeks ago, and now we have to be tested on our winning material? Can't they except the fact that we were fabulous? And so you think since we did rock it, the jury would be an easy A. Well, you're sadly mistaken. Damn that stupid pasture it's well and it's tottering calf. I was so ready to belt out some "I shan't be gone longs" but instead I'm standing there next to Madeline while the tape is running, and I think to myself: 'wow, she sounds nice, why dont I sing her part too?' and thats exactly what i did. I left my alto part in the pasture spring and I sang soprano not knowing any of those notes either. Major major bummer. But hey, at least I pulled through at the end and held onto my alto note. Go Alto. Go Roland. Go tottering calf.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Prom Fever

Who's got prom fever? We do! Maybe it was because it was a Friday and people were being social which meant the prom fever set in. Oh prom. Oh boys. Ah yes the boys, you have know idea how fabulously crazy you drive us. It's like a race, you have to know how to pace yourself. You get really excited at the beginning of the race- you're sooo pumped and ready to go. But then the fright hits: Who are you going with? And once you think you've figured that out; are you going to ask them or will they ask you? And then what happens when you have someone picked out and then someone else asks you? It's crazy! Girls talk about nothing but prom for a month straight. Sure the conversation can start on something else but it always gets linked back to a dress, shoes, limos, dates, accessories- you name it we'll link it. It's kind of sickening I guess but prom is so much fun if you let yourself enjoy it. Love your dress or your tux because you look hot; dont deny it. Have fun with you date- no drama allowed. Dance the night away and dont worry about that perosn that keeps stepping on the back of your dress. Just have a good time- for most of us it will be our last prom. (Or if your Sara itll be your first of three...thats my girl!) so lets make it the best one yet.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there. ~Amy Li

Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister. ~Alice Walker

You can kid the world. But not your sister. ~Charlotte Gray

What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it? ~Jenny DeVries

My sister taught me everything I really need to know, and she was only in sixth grade at the time. ~Linda Sunshine

How do people make it through life without a sister? ~Sara Corpening

If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye, she's wearing your best sweater. ~Pam Brown

There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me. ~Mary Montagu

As you can see I'm having some sister problems. It's the worst fight to be in, I hate it with all my heart.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


So its not a real word but I needed something that was better-er than just fabulous. Obviously I'm going to try to write about Orlando but I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it was. I've never had so much fun in four days in my entire life. It was so different so much more than I expected- the parks, the singing, but most of all the company. So forgive me Heather for copying your format but I think its the only way to get it all out:
"Come on world there's a song that we're singing..."
so there were these two muffins
Marky J- stevie wonder while eating dinner
Gabey P-thanks for spooning my badong
Carlton dance
Cheesecake and the best Happy Birthday ever!
trying to divide 60 dollars by 4
singing for maybe two hours
dropping a phat beat like its my job
singing in unfinished malls
Core-boy! thanks for the five finger discounted bracelet
mikey g's funk band
greg's eyes swelling up like watermelons
P della S
woody's wild ride
popeye and oilve oil
lemon slush
wet n wild pyramid man
tilly and me and the hulk and back to the future/barfing
dance party to the music in my head
the best birthday ever spent in three different airports
FIVE TROPHIES-well deserved
so much more to write but i kinda like it being unwritable - another non-word but its cool

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

There was a dog named Milford

Well, the name Milford got rejected but at least we got the puppy. Her name is Sammy, she's a springer spaniel (like Abbie) and she's three months old. You know that cliche feeling that describes warm and fuzzy happiness, that joy and comfort you get from only a few things in life? Well, a new puppy is totally one of them. She loves everyone, she plays with Abbie, and she hasn't peed in the house yet! I needed a new excitement at home, and Sammy definetly qualifies. She's cute, cuddly, and a fabulous new addition.